The Painful Wrist: Treatment options

The Painful Wrist: Treatment options

Course Objectives:

This course will introduce participants to the detailed anatomy of the wrist, applying it to the normal and abnormal biomechanics of movement. Anatomy will include joint, muscles and sensory components.


Common conditions will be covered discussing mechanics of injury, consequences for function, assessment and treatment options. These will include scapholunate ligament injuries, ulnar sided wrist pain (TFCC, mid carpal instability and DRUJ) and distal radius fractures. Treatment options will include sensorimotor, neuromuscular rehabilitation as well as other aspects to treat pain, instability and decreased range of motion. There will be lectures and group discussion to share knowledge with cases to highlight the key aspects.

Course Participants Will:
1. Identify key aspects of wrist anatomy and biomechanics
2. Understand the importance of friendly and unfriendly muscles
3. Be able to assess for common conditions of the wrist
4. Demonstrate a range of treatments for these conditions including neuromuscular and sensorimotor training

Course Language:


About the Course Instructor:

Sarah Mee, Hand Therapist
London, England
Sarah Mee: An experienced hand therapist and OT started working in 1988 in Mount Vernon Burns and Plastics Unit in London. She began specialising in hand therapy first at University College Hospital and then East Grinstead Regional Hand Unit. From 2000, she has worked at Chelsea and Westminster Hospital Wrist and Hand Unit, London. For the last 12 years has worked as a Consultant Hand Therapist running diagnostic and triage clinics for acquired hand/wrist conditions and acute hand trauma. Treating complex acquired and traumatic orthopaedic and plastics wrist and hand injuries and congenital conditions. Sarah runs a team of 17 hand therapists (generic PT /OT).

Sarah has been active in the British Association of Hand Therapy as Chair of the Education Committee and is an Accredited Hand Therapist (BAHT).
She has taught in Hand Therapy since 1990 and is a Partner in N.E.S Hand Therapy Training LLP and lectures nationally and internationally to therapists and doctors on Masters, post grad, accredited and local courses.


Course Instructor:
Sarah Mee, Handtherapist
London, England

Foto of Sarah Mee, The Painful Wrist: Treatment options

Course Duration:
2 days
Friday 9:00 – 17:00
Saturday 9:00 – 16:30

Course Date:

February 21 – 22, 2025

Course Language:


Course Location:
Winterthur, Switzerland

Course Fee:
CHF 510.–

includes materials and refreshments during coffee breaks

Provisional Programme The Painful Wrist: Treatment options


9.00 Welcome and Wrist anatomy

10.15 Wrist surface anatomy

10.30 Coffee /Tea

11.00 Wrist surface anatomy – continued

11.45 Biomechanics of the wrist

13.00 Lunch

14.00 Rehabilitation of the wrist (including sensorimotor)

15.00 Coffee /Tea

15.30 Scapholunate ligament injuries
– Specific anatomy, assessment, treatment

17.00 Close


9.00 Ulnar sided wrist pain
– Specific anatomy, assessment, treatment
– TFCC, DRUJ and Mid Carpal instability

10.30 Coffee /Tea

11.00 Ulnar sided wrist pain – continued

13.00 Lunch

14.00 Distal radius fractures
– Specific anatomy, assessment, treatment

15.00 Coffee /Tea

15.30 Distal radius fractures continued

16.00 Case discussion as time allows

16.30 Close